Thursday 25th July -Tuesday 30th July
Caer Llan House

Jazz and Improvisation
Summer Holiday
Our 2023 jazz, improvisation and song writing summer holiday will be taking place at Caer Llan House from the evening of Thursday 25th July to the morning of Tuesday 30th July 2023. The holiday will include structured morning and early evening sessions with afternoons free for playing, walking, relaxing in the grounds or enjoying the open-air pool. During the week there will be plenty of opportunities to play and perform at a barbecue, bar session, end of term concert and during evening jam sessions. On the final evening there will be an end of course cabaret.
The cost, which includes full board from the Sunday evening to Friday breakfast, is £499 (£250 for children under 14). Children and non-players are welcome.
Course Tutors
Jazz and Improvisation
Richard Everitt

Vocal Jazz Workshop
Jilly Jarman

Contact Us
For more information or to book your place please contact Laura or Jenny at: